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Call for Audition Workshop

For the new production iRRooTTaa (creation Jan 2024-Sept 2024) Circus Katoen and Grensgeval are looking for two physical performers (x/v/m) with a background in object manipulation, acrobatics and/or dance.

About iRRooTTaa

iRRooTTaa is an invitation to stop trying to keep all balls in the air. It will be an ode to the drop. Because sometimes falling is full of new possibilities.

Failure is permitted. Changing the rules, too. Who knows: perhaps performing life becomes much more fun if we can let things slip between our fingers every now and then.

iRRooTTaa will be an auditive and visual circus performance for every one of four years and up who sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the options.

Who are we?

Grensgeval is a Flemish company (CircusNext nominee 18/19) that creates interdisciplinary performances that take seriously the child in the adult and the adult in the child. It is led by directors Hanne Vandersteene and Mahlu Mertens. More info:

Circus Katoen is a Flemish circus company (CircusNext laureate 15/16) that consists of circus artists Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries and Willem Balduyck. Inspired by their ecological mindset they create physical performances with simple objects. More info:

Both Circus Katoen’s and Grensgeval’s productions tour elaborately in Europe and beyond.

  • you are a physically skilled person with a background in object manipulation, acrobatics and/or dance

  • you have experience in partner work

  • you have an affinity with or interest in circus

  • you are interested in creating for a young audience

  • you are available for 12 weeks of rehearsals in 2024 and for a tour in 2024 and 2025 (wage according to CAO PC304)

We explicitly want to invite performers from all genders, ethnicities, ages, and abilities who meet the above requirements.

Application process

Do you want to participate in the workshop? Please send your cv and, if possible, a reference of earlier work to before the 3rd of March. We will send an invite to the selected performers by the 12th of March at the latest.

Note: we can provide accommodation from 27-30 March for performers who have to travel a long way.

Contact Us 


Nieuwevaart 117-A
9000 Gent (B)

Administrative address

Dracenastraat 11
9000 Gent (B)

VAT BTW BE055 8853 820


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